Liability settlement and £250,000 interim payment for child with cerebral palsy from hydrops fetalis
Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy solicitors have secured a liability judgment and...
Our specialist team of cerebral palsy lawyers have over three decades of experience recovering millions of pounds in compensation for our clients. Making a cerebral palsy claim ensures additional financial support, access to specialist assistance, guidance and expertise from our team and peace of mind for the future.
We understand the additional and specialist needs of children and adults with cerebral palsy. When claiming compensation we ensure that your child’s needs are fully assessed, past, present, and future to secure the best possible settlement and to give your child financial security.
Our help and support doesn’t end once we have settled your child’s cerebral palsy claim. Our specialist Court of Protection team can assist with the financial management of the compensation your child has received. They can help to ensure that your child is provided for throughout their entire life through a Deputyship or Personal Injury Trust. Should they lack mental capacity then we can assist with creating a Statutory Will.
We can also assist with securing additional support and appropriate school placements for your child. Our dedicated special educational needs team can offer advice on Education, Health and Care Plans, appeals to the SENDIST, school phase transfers and Annual Reviews.
Liability settlement and £250,000 interim payment for child with cerebral palsy from hydrops fetalis
Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy solicitors have secured a liability judgment and...
Boyes Turner’s birth injury solicitors secured a £31.5 million* settlement in a...
Boyes Turner’s birth injury solicitors secured an £18.1 million settlement for a...
Boyes Turner’s cerebral palsy solicitors have secured an admission of liability, formal...
They have a great deal of knowledge and expertise, and client care seems to be their top priority.
Chambers Guide to the Legal Profession
Contact our expert Cerebral Palsy solicitors today for support with your claim