Top ranked cerebral palsy claims lawyers
Boyes Turner’s specialist cerebral palsy solicitors secured a settlement for approximately £3 million after a highly complex birth injury case.
Zac suffered a brain injury at the time of his birth in 2005, and suffers with quadriplegic cerebral palsy. He is physically disabled and dependent on a wheelchair. Unfortunately Zac is also unable to speak, and communication is extremely limited. He also has a visual impairment, and suffers with hearing loss.
Zac lives with his family. The plan is to use the compensation money to find a suitable property for the family to live in and adapt it as necessary.
The plan is also to enable Zac to buy any equipment that he needs and to put in a care regime to assist with his daily needs.
This claim was funded by Legal Aid and there was therefore no cost to Zac and his family in bringing the claim.
They have a great deal of knowledge and expertise, and client care seems to be their top priority.
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Contact our expert Cerebral Palsy solicitors today for support with your claim